The application includes information and revision material for GCSE and A level Product Design as well as general guidance for coursework and controll …
P2PWIFICAM is software used for P2P network camera. Adopt the advanced P2P technology, can make the camera in the intranet from port mapping complex, …
This is a plugin for both Locale and AudioManager Pro. You must have both apps installed for this to work. It allows you to set up audio profiles to b …
Sorry, stopped development because of the changes in Locale 1.3. Please contact the locale developer why he restricts the most used and best rated plu …
With Locale or Tasker and this plug-in, you can automatically update your Google Talk status based on conditions such as location and time. Now retrie …
With Locale and the Locale SMS+ Plug-in, your phone can send SMS messages automatically whenever a condition is triggered on your Android device.Keep …
This is a Locale plug-in and Tasker plug-in.It Detects when something is close to your android device, using the built-in proximity sensor.The proximi …
A condition plugin for Locale which can check if your calendar contains an appointment. Can be used to e.g. set the phone to silent mode whenever your …