Very basic heart rate calculator. You need to put your fingers in the hollow and press lightly and start tapping the screen when you feel a beat (puls …
A simple app that will let you find your pulse simply by tapping a button in rythm with your pulse. It even has a built in target heart rate calcutato …
Enter an absorbing world where players become part conductor, part note-captor, part multi-touch master. Tap speeding notes as they cross the radiant …
NCR Pulse is a mobile platform that enables a business owner to gain instant access to their operational data - anytime, anywhere. Here are some of th …
A mobile and web responsive application that has been developed to enable users to locate and find health care facilities and/or professional healthca …
이상호 기자가 진행하는 뉴스 독립군 GO발뉴스 1) "회원가입 없이" 완전 무료로 감상하실 수 있습니다. 2) 매일 방송 업데이트 제공 3) 이어듣기 기능 지원 4) 다양한 재생모드 기능 지원 (1번재생, 연속재생, 반복재생) 5) 백그라운드에서 실행 시 멀티태스킹 가 …