This is an EvolveSMS theme with custom Line bubbles - purple style. This version of the theme does have the default EvolveSMS header if you would like …
Using this app you can keep track of all the medicine, glucose readings, insulin readings, pulse, weight, hemoglobin and many more data in organized f …
Choose from DOZENS OF LANGUAGES/VOICES and have the app SPEAK whatever you type! Plus, turn it into a TALKING CALLER ID RINGTONE, downloadable in BOTH …
Take control of your diabetes with the Diabetes Key Tips app suitable for adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The app, developed by a practising UK …
The VoiceQuadCal is the first multilingual talking Calculator with speech recognition capability. It can speak English, Spanish, Mandarin and Cantones …
Mit dieser Applikation haben Sie den idealen Begleiter für Ihren Kongressbesuch in der Hand und Sie erhalten alles Wissenswerte rund um den Diabetes K …
University of Illinois Extension bimonthly newsletter about managing diabetes with special features on medical and medication updates, recipes to try, …
*************************************************************VoiceReaderHD - A great text to speech reader app!*************************************** …
Diabetes Logger helps you track everything about your diabetes - and makes the information you record easy to use and visualise when at clinic or othe …