Qrcode or Barcode is application for scan Barcode or Qrcode. With it, you can send data to email or send SMS by click menu.You can choose multiple ema …
Ideal for scanning QR and Bar codes at any time from anywhere. Just point your smartphone or tablet camera at a code and it will get scanned. Moreover …
ETHIOPIAN QR BARCODE SCANNER ANDROID APP It’s supported with Amharic text & is the fastest and most user-friendly app, an app that scans 1-dimensional …
Use a radar scanner to scan all phone devices around you.If someone appeared within a certain distance, the cell phone device will be detected, and a …
Codecheck.info – für deinen gesunden & umweltbewussten Einkauf. Bekannt aus TV, Radio und Internet. Codecheck.info bietet dir einen kostenlosen Zugang …
EggMon is a Barcode and QR code search application. EggMon’s proposition (1) Barcod scan and CHECK-IN service. - Scan and check-in your product and po …