Browse the PFRPG Reference Document completely offline, with a five-level index with 11.441 choices, for a very fast consulting.PFRPG stands for PF Ro …
What is CodeIgniter?CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to …
Medical Doctor: Medical Reference Tool replaces your medical reference pocket guide and provides much more: it includes heart and lung sounds, lab val …
Do you often lose marks from referencing incorrectly?This app is for you!Choose which type of reference you would like to cite from,enter the details …
****UPDATE 2 - Thank you everyone for the good reviews! I am very flattered. I love the idea that I am helping other math/engineering students around …
A Referencing Handbook in the Harvard style produced by the University of Lincoln Library. This guide has 79 different sources of information from boo …
Explore Harvard College!!!Thinking of attending Harvard College? Prospective students and families can navigate the campus and learn about our unique …
Tired of referencing? CiteScan removes all the hard work and automatically generates a Harvard-style reference from a book's barcode! You can also ref …
Need help constructing, organizing and managing your academic citations or references? Look no further!Reference Generator is designed to simplify the …
Need help constructing, organizing and managing your academic citations or references? Look no further!Reference Generator is designed to simplify the …