Profile Widget is an app that helps you manage profiles for your phone. These profiles can handle:* Volume (ring, notification, alarm, system and mult …
Sound Profiles allows you to set your phone to ring/vibrate/silent automatically by the hour and day of the week. You may also choose to leave blank h …
In Profile App you can set various locations, such as your home, school or place, where you work. For each location you can specify profiles, which sh …
'Profile Switcher!' app is simple and easy to use. This app controls three profiles. Create your own profiles for your required time duration. Feature …
A simple profiles app. Create profiles with ringer & volume settings, ringtone, brightness, timeout, also state of airplane, wifi & bluetooth.Also cre …
Before buying try this free version of Phone Temperature - app simply mea …
Bump all balls back with the paddle, do not let any of them fall down. Sounds easy? How far can you go? Check it out! It's all fun!---BackgroundBump t …
Nem tudod már a fejedben tartani mikor van ismerőseid névnapja? Szeretnél egy tuti módszert, amivel biztos hogy nem felejted el őket? Meghoztuk a mego …