PerCent is an all-in-one percentage calculator. Its unique and simple interface will do any calculation you can imagine for you:* add VAT to a price,* …
You wantsh the besht and the mosht funniesht catsh picturesh in one apsh? You gotsh it here matsh.Yup, the best of the funniest pictures of cats in on …
Science Quiz for Kids is specially design for the kids to test their knowledge and memory against both easy and difficult questions covering the early …
The app can store and retrieve individual or group of person room expensive details. The app can export the expensive details as pdf document or share …
The app "Shared Expenses" manages expenses you share with your partner in everyday life or with your friend during vacation. It focusses on the actual …
Now you can collect your expenses, and improve your personal finances.In your Expenses Controlled you can:1. Add your expenses wherever you are2. View …
Expense Tracker from The Budget School provides a FREE and easy way to stay on top of your expenses on the go. It can be used as a stand alone app, bu …
ICA by beeZon is the easiest solution for creating, managing and optimizing in-market mobile marketing campaigns. The beeZon platform provides everyth …