Roget's Thesaurus is a widely used English language thesaurus, created by Dr. Peter Mark Roget (1779–1869) in 1805 and released to the public on 29 Ap …
Retrieve the synonym for every word. If available you will get antonyms, related terms, similar word and user suggestions too. Tap one of the results …
This is Hand-free Voice activated English Thesaurus. Enter or speak any word, it will give you the synonyms, antonyms, similar terms of that word. Thi …
התזאורוס הטוב מסוגו - "מילה במילה" - עכשיו בגרסת אפליקציה לאנדרואיד! אגרון למילים נרדפות בשפה העברית - אוצר אדיר של מילים נרדפות ומנוגדות.מילה במילה ת …
Poweramp skin based on the latest version of Sony "TimeScape" interface, witch is included in Xperia Z, Z1, Z Ultra, SP or L , Tablet Z and all Sony' …
This Skin/Theme shows your Poweramp Music Player in a new beautiful look. You will get an individuel and magnificent style for your smartphone and Tab …