A simple pace/distance/time calculator for runners. Free and contains no ads.Contains distance presets for events like 5k, 10k, 15k, half marathons, a …
Run Calc e' una App della A.s.d. Runners Ururi dedicata ai podisti . Troverai test, tabelle, consigli e tanto altro.Uno strumento utile e divertente p …
5:30 per kilometer... exactly how many km/h or mph is that again???Many popular apps like Nike+, Endomondo and Runkeeper show you the average time per …
Calculate the finish time of your running race while adjusting your steady pace running speed. This version metric style. Distances: 100m, 1km, 5km, 1 …
This tool will calculate:Pace – Based on the time you provide for a given distance, this calculator will determine your pace in five different units.P …
Run calculator is a simple application that helps calculate run parameters. It has 3 modes:-It counts run average pace based on run distance and time- …
Calculate Distance, Time, and Pace, Calories Burned, and predictions using Peter Riegel’s formula. Enter in two values from your Distance, Time, Pace …
HotStepper is the partner that accompanies you during your daily exercise and activities. ‘HotStepper’ provides the best user experience. With the int …