Write and send Email messages from the Sony SmartWatch on your wrist!IMPORTANT:* Uses GMail only, and requires the sender account to be set-up on your …
Getting you to doing 100, 150, 200 or 250 sit ups in a row -- that is what the Sit Ups fitness app is all about.Think of the Sit Ups app as your perso …
开始使用Runtastic SitUps PRO App弄平你的小腹,展示你的腹部肌肉吧! 使用Runtastic SitUps PRO app你现在就可以达到这个目标。这款app是你的个人仰卧起坐教练,它使用简单易懂的科学体育训练计划来帮助你增强体能,看到自己持续的进步。 仰卧起坐运动次数的独特识 …