This application is intended solely for the purpose of in-store demonstration for AT&T.Do not install this on your device unless you are an AT&T repre …
The Samsung Galaxy Note! Is it a large cellphone or a small tablet? Many are saying it is the perfect combination of both. Get all the features, specs …
***Draw or Trace something awesome!***You can trace what you see behind the note or you can use your digital art skills to create a masterpiece. Creat …
Galaxy Tab 3 Camera Guide The unofficial Galaxy Tab 3 Camera guide. Features: ✓ Video tutorials using your Galaxy Tab 3 Camera ✓ Learn the features of …
Simple app that allows you to calculate the electricity consumed and the bill amount for it. Provide previous reading and current reading from your el …
LiteCoin Information Gives you the current exchange rates for LiteCoin and Bitcoin. Allows you to get the balance of your LiteCoin wallet, and see the …
Cosmos - "A Spacetime Odyssey" !Cosmos is one of the mind blowing educational TV Series which has gotten immense popularity in the last few months wit …
Greetings from the great Space Butterfly!!! All this! All these videos you see before you! THEY are powered by his moon nectar! That.... and you, the …
Program zawiera zbiór dowcipów (ponad 500) z różnych kategorii.Wersja 1.2:- dodatkowe 300 dowcipów (z aplikacji Smile)- łatwa możliwość zmiany rozmiar …