SquareHub keeps your family connected, organized, and happy. You can send private group messages and photos with each other, share calendars, share to …
Share ApplicationShare app to other device,the apps are installed already.!!App need ROOT Permission!!How to use?1.click one item , into this app.2.lo …
Andmade Share replaces the system "share menu" list. Just share and enjoy!Features:- Share to multiple applications at a time- Reorder the share list …
ShareMyFare is a social ride-sharing platform where you can search and find other fellow travelers who are willing to share the ride with you so that …
"Share Helper" helps share URL.You can add share URL to additional information,such as title and summary.How to use1.Press "Share" on Browser App.(or …
What is Twishort share?Twishort share is Twishort Twitter Android app that lets you tweet more than 140 characters.Why?We really love Twitter for the …
注意:您必須擁有個人專屬的 RMS 或是啟用 RMS 的 Office 365 帳戶,以使用 Microsoft Rights Management 共用應用程式 (RMS 共用應用程式)。您可以在 https://portal.aadrm.com 註冊。您不能使用 Microsoft 帳戶 (Li …