Shinhwa Lyrics will help you to sing your favourite songs while you have fun with your friends at the local karaoke bar.In this application you can fi …
Game made for flappy jam in a couple of hours.The game has the same mechanic of flappy bird but with a small twist.After you have passed 4 bars the wa …
Interested in Mythology? Learn about each god of the Greek myths along with information about their family and significance to the world. Who is Zeus& …
"Repeat Timer" is the app to enhance the power of concentration.This is a timer application that repeats the "working time" and "break time".By taking …
(Re)Pensar a UFPE é unir a comunidade e pensar para além da administração. Além do discurso. É uma reflexão mais radical sobre os valores da Instituiç …
Repetitions is a cross-platform spaced repetition system (SRS), an intelligent flashcard application that makes learning and memorization easy. An SRS …
RepeatandMemorize enables you to create your own lists of words and review the words by swiping horizontally.The app helps you to exercise your memory …
RenWeb Staff HD enables teachers to access their students' information, manage their grade book, take attendance, record lesson plans, and place lunch …
Get the latest information from Representative Sandy Levin, serving Michigan's 9th Congressional District (MI-9).This is Representative Levin's offici …