Shinhwa Lyrics will help you to sing your favourite songs while you have fun with your friends at the local karaoke bar.In this application you can fi …
Homenageie seu namorado(a) com esse incrível aplicativo. Por enquanto estamos na versão de Testes, mas em breve terá novas opções onde será possível v …
Some beautiful images of two cute couples. Life is full of love to them. By pressing the "Love is" button you will get random event of their life, whi …
This is a wonderful application, you can make your pet a album.Just snap a photo of your cat’s face. Then add crowns, jewels, clothes, draw text, chat …
Hurts Donut is an insultingly difficult game. Really all you need to do is tap the screen and make the donut not run into things. Unfortunately you pr …
Selection of the most beautiful phrases in spanish accompanied by tender and beautiful images for them to be send to that special someone, your family …
MyYoghurt is the first self serve frozen yoghurt chain in Greece, with stores in Cyprus, Serbia and Spain. MyYoghurt App informs you about our flavour …
In Gigahurts you are the computer. Juggle tons of programs that are all competing for the same resources. Better keep those programs running or they w …