A Magic Square is a matrix arrangement of numbers, usually integers, such that the sum of the numbers in all rows, all columns and both diagonals is a …
O SIGAA - Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas informatiza os procedimentos da área acadêmica e é composto por módulos que congregam a …
Applicazione ufficiale CGIL .La Cgil con i suoi circa 6 milioni di iscritti è il primo sindacato italiano. E’organizzato in categorie che rappresentan …
Draw your magic. Sigillum is a game about magic and mages.Connect sigils to cast your spell. Do it fast but smart.Combine offensive and defensive tact …
Update: Refactored! If you are using 2.3.3 and up you should see improvements and speed boost as well as a better over all layout. I will be ending su …
Access your Calibre e-book library from anywhere in the world. Place your calibre library in your Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive folder, and be able to …
This app seamlessly connects to your Calibre Library and shows up as a connected device on Calibre. If Auto-Connect option is enabled, your device wil …
This is a simple app for head mounted devices with adjustable lenses to set the perfect lens position.Tested on a Google Nexus 4 with the OpenDive.Sup …
La aplicación oficial de MercadoLibre para Android!Te permite buscar y comprar lo que querés entre los miles de productos y servicios publicados donde …