Simple Plan is a tool that keeps track of your plan, in a easy, simple steps.Less time on tedious input, more time spend on the task.It reminds you of …
Simple XMPP client is an app for communnicating with others over the XMPP protocol, formerly known as Jabber. To do so, one needs to register once wit …
Simple DHCP Query is a free Android-app for reading out the information received from a DHCP server for the current WLAN connection, e.g. IP address o …
This is for everyone who loves listening to the sound of white noise to relax but does not want an overly complex app.This is the ad free version of t …
Tenha uma calculadora simples, fácil e de alto desempenho. Download a simple calculator, easy and with high performance. Funções - Functions: - Soma n …
Play the coolest astronaut game on this side of the space galaxy. Astronaut Catcher is an extremely fun physics based space game for adults & kids!Ast …
Simple Camera Simple Camera is a smart app that decides which is the best configuration for making high quality photo. All photos are saved here: /sdc …
Cheap International Calls A simple and easy way to make international calls Feature: 1. 100% Genuine Minutes 2. No Hidden Charges 3. No Connection cha …
Aplicación muy útil para todos los músicos de nivel medio.En ella puede visualizar de una manera sencilla y rápida la naturaleza de todos los acordes …