This is a tool to measure widget size for Desktop VisualizeR Add-Ons on your launcher environment. To use this tool, Desktop VisualizeR 1.1.3 or later …
SysInfoTool is a very useful utility that lets you view important information about your system.This application show all processes running on your de …
sniQQ – Dein Shopping Companion - BETA sniQQ – Dein Shopping Companion – deine Begleitung beim Einkauf. Auf dem Weg in die Innenstadt? Kurz über sniQQ …
Snippets is an unique and comprehensive environment that caters to all the basic programming needs of the user. The App is designed by putting the use …
Nurses, EMTs, and Paramedics! Instead of watching the IV drip chamber and your watch, then multiplying by and dividing by... losing count and all of t …
Ippindou was born in Shizuoka and ever since established itself to grow and manufacture Japanese green tea over the years. The collection of Ippindou …