▶ Simple User Interfaces : Tag NFC Chip (Only)▶ Voice tells you the target distance(Center of Green). ▶ Over 60,000+ mapped courses Features of Voice …
HOLD UP NFC!! FIGHT!! SIMPLE FIGHTING GAME ARRIVES HERE!!▼What is NFC BATTLER?-Your smart cards(Transportation Smart Card, Car License, Electric Cash …
NFC Express Desktops provides convenient PC access and media file backup through NFC technology. Get your desktop, smartphone and tablet in sync now.R …
Sumérgete en una historia trepidante en la que tu objetivo es rescatar a tus amigos de una celda en el castillo de Baderhoff.NFCBook es un libro-juego …
NFC TimeVaultThis is an application designed to keep track of time.If you like me are tired of typing or selecting times to keep track of what you hav …
Utilitity for testing NFC messages免費玩NFC Comm APP玩免費免費玩NFC Comm AppNFC Comm APP LOGONFC Comm APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用APP評分上架日期更新日期未知AndroidGoogle Play1. …
AVISO: MetroValencia y CITMA te siguen regalando 2 viajes en tu primera compra con Mobilis NFC. Infórmate en la página web de tu operador de transport …
Store on local (or online) database any type of custom logs/actions using NFC actions!Badge NFC for Android is a new application that allow you to man …
NFC Rolodex is an application used to swap virtual business cards with one another. Demonstrating the use of NFC technology you can enter in informati …