Just try to talk with this app on, it won't be easy! NOTE: Please use headphones. SpeechJammer inhibits speech on the user, thanks to the Delayed Audi …
Try to talk while hearing your own voice at a slight delay! The Voice Jammer adds a slight delay to the your voice which causes many people to stutter …
Stops you from speaking in mid sentence! How is this possible? Confuses the brain into being unable or very difficult to form coherent sentences and w …
Speech is simple app for transform voice to text or text to speech, The app uses Androids built-in speech recognizer to turn speech into text ,The app …
Kunden, die bei PEDALO-TOURISTIK GMBH eine Radreise gebucht haben, wird mit dieser App eine zusätzliche Orientierungshilfe auf dem Smartphone während …
WICHTIGER HINWEIS:Die Funktionalitäten der App Kassenbuch werden zukünftig mit der App "FiBu Touch" abgelöst, welche mehr Funktionen bietet und neben …
Fans of PewDiePie this is the app for you. It follows all of his channels including his girlfriends and will alert when he or she uploads a video. You …
You can buy this app if you want to perform an economic contribution in favor of developer Pedro MaicasIf you donate, DO NOT uninstall the application …