When phone turn on the screen, this app display the battery level in status bar.Notification will disappear after the passage of a certain period of t …
This is Pro version of "StatusBar in FullScreen". First, have a try normal version.Additional features of Pro version- Show notification- Timer settin …
تطبيق الكتاب المقدس كامل بدون توصيل الانترنت يحتوى التطبيق على العهدين القديم والجديدمقسم ومرتب بكل الاصحاحات والاسفاريمكن ضبط الخط كما تريد حجمه免費玩ال …
القرآن الكريم كاملاً دون اتصال بالانترنتمطابق تماماً للمصحف الورقيدعاء ختم القرآن الكريمإمكانية وضع علامةفهرس السورفهرس الأجزاءإمكانية الانتقال لأي صف …
The first droid attack came without warning. Tens of thousands lost their lives defending earth against the invading force. Now, a droid transporter i …
The first droid attack came without warning. Tens of thousands lost their lives defending earth against the invading force. Now, a droid transporter i …
Hide WhatsApp Status allows you to send and read messages as well as chat (must be ROOT) with a WhatsApp contact WhatsApp without update your status a …
Want to use WhatsApp hiding your online status? It can be hidden in the Whatsapp thanks to this application, you can use Whatsapp without showing that …