This is a simple open-source notepad app which demonstrates the capability of the SQLCipher for Android encrypted database library. All notes created …
Contains: vigenere, mobile cipher, morse code, ascii code, binary code, oct code, hex code, base64 code, digital sum, reverse words or text, ROT ciphe …
Decipher is a brand new tablet-optimised tool to encrypt and decrypt text in a variety of ciphers.Currently Includes: - Atbash - Binary - Octal - Hex …
Welcome to Cipher Breaker V2. The app has been completely rewritten and is under new partnership with . With this update I am killing off …
Got any secret message you want to send ?Now you can with Cipher Tool. Encrypt the plain text and send it to your friends by a messaging service.All t …
Try to jump with Roodl as high as possible, by jumping from one landing bar to the other. Catch the space-belt to boost your speed up for a short time …
Simple todo manager aimed at speed. Features:* Tags* Priorities* Progress* Due dates* Text notes* Widget* Import/exportBugs, requests: konstantin.sobo …
WordPress的最新版,它可支持通过其他 Android 应用程序分享已发布的博客链接,而且由于 Christof Dorner 的贡献,在 Android 主页面增加了 QuickPress(快速发布)快捷方式。 WordPress for Android puts the power of …