This application calculates Gamma Exposure and Gamma Exposure Rate given activity, distance in meters, and time. If there is demand for more isotopes …
This is the Key for SwitchMe - it unlocks all security features in the main application but does nothing on its own. It will be invisible in the app d …
Create secure accounts, just as you would on a desktop computer, with each account having its own system settings, apps and data. This application is …
Mit der facentis Accounting App 2 können Sie Ihre Einnahmen und Ausgaben auf Ihrem Androidgerät verwalten.Sie haben zum Beispiel ein Hobby mit dem Sie …
This powerful App has been developed by the team at Accountancy App to give you key financial information at your fingertips, 24/7. Now you can have i …
Acctapp is a Mobile Accounting app for smartphones and tablets.Acctapp puts all of your bookkeeping at your fingertips - anywhere, anytime: Create inv …
Каждый ответственный родитель озабочен интеллектуальным развитием своего ребенка. Уже в дошкольном возрасте необходимо заложить и развить базовые навы …
Blend photos with this incredible and powerful application. Famous double exposure effect! Best alternative to Mexture and PicBlend Combine your exist …
This software was created to help you to configure the approximate value for the Light Value (LV), Exposure Value (EV), shutter speed, ISO and apertur …