Manage your Web of Trust! Which key rings have you certified, and which key owners have vouched for the key rings you currently hold? What trust have …
The official app to keep you up-to-date on key Symantec events. By downloading the app, you’ll have access to all of the latest event news and informa …
Connect is an online community where Symantec customers, partners and employees answer product questions, share technical knowledge and submit product …
Symantec™ PGP Viewer for Android requires a managed account on a Symantec Encryption Management Server with the LDAP Directory Synchronization feature …
The Symantec Mobile Security Agent is used to enable protection and security for the Android handsets and tablets that access your corporate network. …
Symantec Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) Mobile simplifies several common system administrator tasks. SORT Mobile contains a subset of features foun …
The Symantec Mobile Management (SMM) Agent is used to enable, secure, and manage Android devices in the enterprise.NOTE: Symantec Mobile Management Ag …
The Symantec Mobile Management (SMM) Agent is used to enable, secure, and manage Android devices in the enterprise. NOTE: Symantec Mobile Management A …
DEAFCOM - The Deaf Communications AssistantThis is a very simple application that will convert speech into readable text. For a non-hearing or hard of …