How To Date is an app to help singles learn to manage their newly found date. It is good to know the personalty of your dates and this app will help y …
Descarga la versión Estampas en tu móvil con información de interés para la mujer de hoy. Tips y consejos variados en los temas de horóscopo, recetas, …
Convert dates and times to timestamp (unix time) and back. You can choose to make the conversions using GMT or the timezone from your device.Copy the …
A simple note program to quickly note the start and stop of an activity without worrying about times. Written in spare time. Any similarities to other …
QStamp - aldrig mer en förlorad bonusMed QStamp samlar du dina bonuskort i mobilen.Här finns de alltid redo för ytterligare en stämpel.QStamp tar dig …
TimeStamp is an application that allows you to own a second of history....or more than one....!Just write down your quote a nickname and some addition …
Camera Timestamp snaps quick and easy photos with the time stamp and the GPS coordinates embedded on the picture.Will now wait until GPS triangulates …