Old School Battery Widget is the ultimate video game life bar widget. Choose from many classic games such as Zelda, Megaman(Pro Version), Chrono Trigg …
3D design battery widget is a beautiful object that shines on your screen.DGAge Studio has a large focus on the design of this battery that could deve …
귀여운 똥 모양의 배터리 위젯 어플리케이션입니다제공기능- 배터리 잔량 정보- 위젯 사용(1x1)- 상태바 알림 사용- 거울- 후레시 줌배터리배터리의 잔량이 알림바 및 위젯에 표시됩니다충전시 DDong 에서 연기가 나는 효과가 표시됩니다거울어두울 때 사용할 수 있는 흰색 …
Bluetooth Battery Watcher WidgetThis is a simple widget that will track your Bluetooth Device/Headset Battery usage by timing your Music/Media Play Ti …
Now doom lovers can enjoy their favorite marine on the main screen of your phone with this great battery widget.The different faces of doom represent …
tinyCam Monitor is one of the best app available for Android for remote surveillance, control and digital video recording for your private or public n …
tinyCam Monitor is one of the best app available for Android for remote surveillance , control and digital video recording for your private or public …
Network Host Monitor is a tool to monitor the status of servers and Web sites, blogs, etc. With this utility, you can monitor (e.g. by pinging) the st …