Touch2Pixel v1.4.4This application converts some parts of image to obfuscate for keeping yourprivacy. After converting the image, you can quickly upda …
TouchCMSPro is an advanced solution for your office or home security with your smart phone in your hand at any place and any time. It allows you to vi …
Play the card game Euchre on your android phone. Compete with your partner to make your bid or euchre your opponent.Version 2.0 adds online play, new …
Tic-Tac-Touch is the perfect touchscreen version of the classic pencil and paper game known as‘Tic Tac Toe’ , ‘Noughts and Crosses’ or ‘3 Men’s Morris …
Retouch is an opensource app that allows you to manipulate your images. Follow the project on github :免費玩Retouch …
Your made-to-order daily news source Get the news you need and an endless stream of stories you love, summarized by Yahoo. Favorite features -Get summ …
O melhor app de horóscopo do Brasil, 100% gratuito, com o conteúdo exclusivo de Mônica Horta, astróloga do Delas, que há mais de 20 anos interpreta a …