Encrypted Database (EDB) offers the ability to type up notes or logs onto your Android phone and have them saved and encrypted. These notes can also b …
A message encrypter application that can encrypt/decrypt messages using one of two methods, with or without a password. It can also send and receive e …
Have you ever wanted to send a secret message to someone without having to go through the process of encrypting it and then having the recipient decry …
AT-Encrypt es un software de cifrado de archivos para la seguridad personal y profesional. ➤ Permite guardar fotos, vídeos, y cualquier tipo de ficher …
This app encrypts/decrypts text to be sent by other apps such as Gmail, SMS, Google Voice, etc. Implemented ciphers include: AES cipher, Backwards cip …
TextCrypt is a new encryption application for Android that seamlessly integrates with any Android device to encrypt and decrypt any message. Choose fr …
# YOU SHOULD USE FILE ENCRYPTION IF: • you don't want anyone can see/read your files , only you (and who has your permission) can • you want to protec …
스마트폰이나 태블릿에 저장되어 있는 사진, 동영상, 녹취, 보안카드 등 수많은 개인 정보 파일이나 보안이 필요한 업무용 파일들은 단말기를 분실하거나 해킹을 당했을 때 손쉽게 노출될 수 있습니다. 이런 위험으로부터 안전하게 파일들을 보호하기 위해서는 반드시 파일을 암호화 …
Sistema di invio sms criptati , solo il destinatario , una volta impostato il proprio numero di cellulare , può decriptare il messaggio.Si può imposta …