The UCC Chemistry App is a digital initiative undertaken by the Chemistry department at University College Cork to improve communication, engagement a …
경찰청에서 스마트 폰을 활용하여 경찰관과 학생간에 실시간 익명 채팅 신고 및 상담을 할 수 있는 모바일 메신저앱(App)입니다. 117 학교폭력 신고 센터는 신고・상담에 대하여 경찰청・교육부・여성가족부 등 관계부처 합동으로 24시간 채팅 상담하고 있습니다.-키워드117 …
Unser Silvester Countdown 2015 zählt die Sekunden runter bis um 0:00 Uhr des neuen Jahres 2015. Die Countdown Uhr ist so zuverlässig, wie die Uhr an i …
GizmoPal app controls the GizmoPal band, a wearable phone made for children. This app allows you to:- Call your childCall your child’s GizmoPal band a …
Need a charger? Want a new case? Verizon has you covered. Use the Verizon Mobile Accessory Store app to conveniently purchase accessories for your dev …
Logos and brands are all around us, so why not check if you know them? Logo Quiz 2015 will help you test your knowledge of this field. Around 450 ques …
Welcome to the most comprehensive guide to the houses of the Westeros!This application is a guide to houses of Westeros, a land where George R.R. Mart …