This application is a mobile version of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) "Upper Abdominal Normal Organ Contouring Consensus Guidelines," fo …
Easy Abs offers a quick, easy and convenient solution to developing one of the main muscle regions of your body. Make a commitment to yourself and reg …
This app contains the Easy Ways lecture series on the AbdomenAB15 - A walk through the inguinal canalAB16 - Development of the General Peritoneal Cavi …
ARDMS Abdomen Ultrasound Flashcards for Board ReviewThe program contains 713 flashcards that will help you study and pass the ARDMS Abdomen boards to …
This application guides the user through a series of prompts in a boxed-question format, that like any diagnostic algorithm in paper form can be answe …
The Living Whole App is healthy living and healing through diet... Eat, Heal, Thrive! Living Whole believes that we should all live our best life and …
Small calculator, valid only within the set of Natural Numbers. Designed to the time of formation of the students in which they can add and multiply, …