Com o aplicativo SER Mobile, fica mais fácil para os servidores e magistrados do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia usufruírem dos benefícios disp …
Convert your android to web camera!!!Android sends photos periodically to your or mine web server.You can setup the url for upload photo, the url for …
NEW: MMS supports, hide your message with pictures now Ultimate Secret Box allows you to hide call logs and text messages in a password protection box …
Privati aplikacija, darbo efektyvumui didinti.UAB „NEXTA“ - juridinis asmuo, įregistruotas 2008 metais ir pradėjęs savo veiklą lavašų gamyboje bei gre …
Everything you need to know about UAB, from finding classes or a colleague to tracking your path to graduation. Campus map, directory, dining schedule …
MyTimePlan’s APP enables employees to clock in and out of work, via smartphones, and to download their working hours and free time schedule, and notif …
If you see dolphin, please install "CROdolphin little" application on smartphone and register sighting. ABOUT THE PROJECTMarine mammal (dolphins, whal …
Are you interested in Croatian National Bank currency exchange rate? Present values or values from some previous day? All data from last 12 years are …
Using radar image of clouds this application will try to prediction if some nasty storm is going to happen in your area. Mainly cover Croatia, but als …