The EUPA was set up in the year 2000, as a Unit within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment. On the 4th of May 2007, the Unit was establish …
As-tu déjà imaginé avoir un éléphant ou un pingouin comme animal de compagnie ?Que dirais-tu d’en prendre soin jour après jour, d’apprendre à connaîtr …
The title of King of Ireland was re-created in 1542 by Henry VIII, then King of England, of the Tudor dynasty. English rule of law was reinforced and …
The history of Australia is filled with crucial events and cultural advances. Battles decided the fate of nations, wars rewrote the continent's maps, …
Kør´ selv historisk formidling. Nu kan du komme på historisk cykeltur uden menneskeguide.Benyt dit ferieophold eller en dag i weekenden til at tage på …
Lassen Sie sich interaktiv und multimedial durch das „Historische Weserbergland“ führen, getreu nach dem Motto: Spuren der Zeit - echt erleben. Ob leb …
Sacred sites have significant influence to human being since the ancient times. This list covers some of the historical & ancient sacred sites in this …