Quick search your app on the device by speaking.Speak any of these commands to perform a Voice Action on your device:The command need to use "English" …
Voice Ball is a funny new approach to gaming! You control the height of the pink ball with the loudness of your voice. Yes, the input level of the mic …
People Fu V.2 (Android) V3.0 mobile client software, which is based on Android OS (Version 2.2 or higher), can be used to remotely monitor the live vi …
Тест Беннета (он же тест на инженера) ориентирован на выявление технических способностей. Также известен как тест на техническую понятливость. Опросни …
66% OFF SALE -- TODAY: April 21-27, 2015The award-winning best-selling toddler app, Abby Basic Skills for Preschool and Kindergarten by 22learn, is no …
66% OFF SALE -- TODAY: April 21-27, 2015★★★★★ Give your baby or toddler the best. Give them the Kingdom of Animated Puzzles!★★★★★ Brought to you by 22 …