The PONS Dictionary English BASIC with 120,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check …
The PONS Dictionary French BASIC with 106,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check …
The PONS Dictionary Spanish BASIS with 100,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check …
The PONS Dictionary Italian BASIC with 100,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check …
The PONS Dictionary Portuguese BASIC with 110,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to ch …
SEMERGY basic ist eine Android App für die approximative Berechnung des Heizwärmebedarfs (HWB) eines Gebäudes. Die App dient dazu, um - zum Beispiel b …
Making International calls has no longer been a costly affair owing to the availability of international calling cards in markets. With the use of the …
Studio Clocks is designed for musicians, audiophiles, and basically anyone who loves music and the technology used to create it. Face it, the analog c …
AndCam-ULib Express is a USB camera access library which communicates between apps. By accessing AndCam-ULib Express, you can develop your app (User A …
Есть желание посмотреть фильм, но не знаешь что выбрать? CinemaExpress подскажет! Это клиентское android приложение для сайта по подбору http://ciex.r …