[소개]"Virtual University"는 HTML5을 사용한 하이브리드 앱 개발에 필요한 기술을 학습하기 위한 목적으로 만들어진 교육용 앱입니다. 세상에 존재하지 않는 가상의 "Virtual University"라는 대학교를 설정하고 만약 이 학교의 정보를 소개하 …
Welcome to our website, we suggest making apps for android. You are the company you have a website, but do not have an application in android, and it …
With this brand new app, you can frame any website into a native android app for FREE! Try it for yourself and convert Web2App.If you want we can also …
NIHT has innovative solutions for mobile ready websites, CRM, IVRS & bulk mail. This mobile app is intended to serve as a showcase of the digital mark …
Write and run immediately html5 app with Javacript code right on your Android device. This application is developed either for the beginners, who is l …