Speed - Measure your Speed Speed shows you current/max speed going down a mountain in powder, jumping off a cliff skydiving, out on the sea or just dr …
2048 Power of Two: Now on Android WearConnect similar tiles to form new tiles.For example:2 + 2 = 44 + 4 = 88 + 8 = 16....1024 + 1024 = 2048Can you ge …
This game nicely fits the watch form factor with a board of only 4x4 tiles. Including round-shaped displays, like Moto 360.Move the tiles on the board …
One of the classics has returned. Android Wear is appearing to our lives. This game will fit perfectly in your wrist.The simple but addictive memory g …
Free Android Wear Game - a block puzzle with strategy in mind: a new 3D take on retro classic falling brick games, sliding tile puzzles, brick breaker …
Een kast vol kleding maar geen idee wat je aan moet trekken? Download dan de What to Wear app voor dagelijkse kledinginspiratie.De What to Wear app va …
Need help deciding what to wear? With this app, you can take and tag pictures of clothing then get outfit suggestions, or virtually browse your closet …
Create a digital version of your wardrobe to help organise your clothes and outfits.Save details of all the items in your wardrobe and the app will he …