Music Timeout vám umožní nastavit čas, za jak dlouho má dojít k automatickému zastavení/pozastavení přehrávání hudby. Ideální pro ty, kteří rádi poslo …
As parents it can be tough disciplining our children. The iTimeOut app helps parents assign a timeout session to their kids quickly and easily. It als …
Com o Timebus, versão beta, é possível consultar todas as linhas de ônibus da cidade de Maceió, seja por avenidas ou por bairro, tudo isso de forma si …
This program allow you to calculate the number of days you lived on this planet.The full version provides the widget, alarm after some days (you can c …
Screen Timeout is a powerful tool to edit the timeout setting which is responsible to lock your screen after a period of time. The Timeout can be set …
This application was designed to allow fine screen timeout tweaking. With this, you will be able to set a screen timeout value for each application in …
FadeOut is a tilt-evasive score chaser with added audiovisual juice! On top of innovative one-dimensional technology (developed in a secret laboratory …
Disable wifi when your phone goes to sleep unplugged.I coded this basic tool because the custom ROMs I use failed to do it properly.You can also use i …
This is small tiny WIFI tool. It could provide help to diagnose the WIFI connecting status. 1. It monitors current WIFI signal status and display in g …