This application converts your Android smartphone to a wireless headphone receiver. This is one of the best Android apps for real-time audio streaming …
El Proyecto @ Emociones Software es una aplicación que apoya al desarrollo de la empatía en los niños con TEA, desarrollada para dispositivos con sist …
Make sure you have plugged correctly your headphones to your phone with Headphones Indicator. This app sends notifications every time you plug your he …
Listen to your text messages or Caller ID on the go! With Headphone SMS, incoming messages will be read to you by the text-to-speech (TTS) engine thro …
Zegaphone is a free application that allows for unlimited voicecalls, messaging, video calls, call conferencing, photo and video file transfer from on …
This service will automatically launch Vanilla Music after Android broadcasted an HEADSET_PLUG event.Please note that you need to start the applicatio …
Esta aplicación está descontinuada a raíz del lanzamiento de la aplicación oficial de Mi Vodafone.*********Aplicación que muestra el consumo acumulado …
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