Why this is different from others:- No lag between app access & locking( Select Aggressive mode from settings for more effective locking if you are no …
Save the name and link on Play.Google of the apps installed by you, in a file.Share the list of applications, with your friends or save it in a safe p …
This app provides single sign-on to thousands of cloud applications using a single user account. You may already use the My Apps page to access the ap …
Do you have too many apps installed? Maybe you are not able to make head of huge amount of icons? Spend too much time looking for your favorite games …
"Pokédex pour Android" est le pokédex français le plus complet disponible sur Android ! Idéal pour les gens qui veulent tout apprendre sur les Pokémon …
Jobtardis Free Android Mobile Application For Android Smart PhonesJobtardis is world’s first knowledge auction portal in India. Even though, we offer …
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An aviation app with tools for the professional & amateur pilot.Aviation tools for arrival fuel check, fuel order, refuel check, wind calculator, snow …
The first droid attack came without warning. Tens of thousands lost their lives defending earth against the invading force. Now, a droid transporter i …