Send a link to your favorite app(s) that works anywhere. From android, the link opens the market, the android market app page. Links are then searchab …
Wordo - brand new free word guessing and puzzle game. The main difference between this word guessing game Wordo and other popular word search games is …
Marketing, le mensuel des décideurs marketing édité par Editialis. Chaque mois, marketing propose des éléments de veille et de prospective pour antic …
Are you at a complete loss for words when a birthday card or congratulatory card circulates at the office?When was the last time you mailed a “thinkin …
Bitcoin Hedge is a beautiful crypto-currency graphing widget. You can track the 24 hour, 3 and 7 day price movements on several of the largest exchang …
This app provides a count "up" timer to track the number of days that have passed after an item/event start date. E.g in your work-place you could be …