Speck is a new arcade style game that tests your reflexes and game strategy. Your goal is to maneuver your piece around the flying specks that multipl …
The SW SWIPE application allows for credit card processing during a product sale at the customer location. This application is designed to be used wit …
PayPocket allows mobile merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments anywhere and not lose a sale. PayPocket is available for merchan …
The atEvent Card Scanner app enhances and automates lead capture at events by enabling marketing, event, and field sales staff to scan business cards, …
Saving the Amazon es una iniciativa que surgió de un grupo de personas que se encuentranpreocupadas por el ecosistema amazónico y por las comunidades …
With AQ Mobile, you can access the AndroidQuestions.org forums directly from your Android device.- Learn about and discuss all aspects of the Android …
차선인식 경보시스템, Head Up Display, 운행 기록계1. 기능 1) LDWS(LaneDePartureWarningSystem) 운행 중인 차량의 차선을 인식하여 차선을 이탈할 경우 경보를 알려주어 보다 안전하게 차량을 운행 할 수 있도록 도와 줍니다. 2) …