메시지 및 사진 등을 편집 및 공유하기 위한 App. 스마트폰 메신저와 연동되어져 있으며, 여러장 사진 및 음악, 지도 등을 서로 주고 받을 수 있습니다. 기능은 아래와 같습니다. 1. 이미지 편집 2. 이모티콘 3. 글자 입력 및 색상, 폰트 변경 4. 공개 템플릿 …
ZERT is a puzzle game inspired by Tetris, Xixit, and Lose Your Marbles. You have to make spheres disappear by making them into lines of 3, 4, or 5 of …
Toutes les recettes des chefs et des animateurs de la chaîne Zeste sur votre Android:Caroline McCann, Daniel et Raphaël Vézina, Donna Hay, Antoine Sic …
《 Top 》是中国第一时尚自媒体App;瑞丽、昕薇、米娜、VOUGE等时尚刊物旗下资深主编、模特亲身传授时尚穿衣之道;女人我最大等人气节目专业顾问倾情教学美妆美体技巧!每日发布前沿、权威的时尚资讯,及时了解国内外博主最新SNAP、奢牌潮牌最新动态!提供时尚资讯的购买通道,融合了传统杂志的权威和网络 …
Hoggy is a fun puzzle platformer that combines the best elements of classic side-scrolling video games with a unique puzzle flavor!You control Hoggy. …
Mysterious world full moon invites. Fantastic moonlight brings healing to your heart.Dolphin Fantasia Live Wallpaper"Dream Monday Family" can also use …
Fever is one of the most common medical signs and is characterized by an elevation of body temperature above the normal range of 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99 …
THE CITY IS LIVELY. COME OUT AND PLAY. The events discovery app for your city*Available in New York, Madrid and Barcelona only. New cities soon!. If y …