FAIL Maker
Finally, something productive you can do with your iPhone. (Or 2nd gen iPod touch.) Who doesn't see FAIL every day? The next time you see FAIL, point …
FAIL Maker
Text Editor
Text Editor By SavySoda™ ✫Take your notes anywhere✫ A simple text editor with Google Documents synchronization and Portrait / Landscape mode. FEATURES …
Text Editor
Fastlane Street Racing
The fastest racing experience on the iPhone is here. Get ready for Fastlane Street Racing a high speed arcade racing game on the go. Weave through tra …
Fastlane Street Racing
iTalk Recorder Premium
iTalk Recorder Premium is a full-featured recording app with a streamlined and intuitive user interface. Press the big red button to record; press it …
iTalk Recorder Premium
Bad Hair Day - A Slider Puzzle
Ever had a bad hair day? I'm sure you have, even if you won't admit it. In this variation of the classic 15 tile slider puzzle, you can choose from on …
Bad Hair Day - A Slider Puzzle
TouchSports™ Tennis
Do you like Tennis? There's an App for that! From the Award-winning Designers at Handheld Games comes our CASUAL approach to Console Tennis game play …
TouchSports™ Tennis
敵をタッチしてミサイル発射!! 本格的なシューティングゲームがついに登場!! ステージを繰り返すたびに、難易度は上昇していくぞ。 君は何周まで進めるかな? 弾を避けるときは、自機を指で隠さないようにするのがコツ。 ただし、自機をタッチすると強力な武器も・・・! 難しいと思ったら、オプションでゲームス …
What's the Word
The game is simple. You'll need to guess the hidden word by clicking on the letters. You are only allowed 5 wrong guesses. The game has 700 words whic …
What's the Word
Chm Reader
Chm Reader is a compiled HTML(.chm) file reading tool for iPhone and iPod Touch. Transfer files from your computer using FTP client then open it on yo …
Chm Reader
十三行八字 for iPhone
「十三行八字」專業八字起盤程式,由 2008 年推出至今,不斷更新及加入新功能,在2013年,我們重新設計流運選擇介面,使介面更簡化及美觀,「先起盤,後儲存」的流程,令起盤更快捷。 2014年: 首創「自定神煞功能」,用戶可依須要加入神煞。2013年: 重新設計流運介面,使用更方便。「先起盤,後儲存 …
十三行八字 for iPhone
Nimbuzz Messenger
Free messages, Free Calls. Unlimited! Now, call and send messages as much as you want!Nimbuzz Messenger combines the power of internet and smart phone …
Nimbuzz Messenger