Dé grootste bedrijfsovernamesite van Nederland heeft een nieuwe must-have App ontwikkeld, waarmee u in een handomdraai het bedrijf van uw keuze vindt …
Plus d’oublis de manuels, plus de livres déchirés, d’images trop petites et de cartables trop lourds… Avec l’application lelivrescolaire.fr, passez à …
This compact yet comprehensive bi-directional English-Spanish dictionary is designed for the needs of the people on the go.It features about 40,000 he …
This app simplifies the usage of the waa.ai website, allowing the user to shorten links or upload images from any application that has a "share" optio …
We provide absolutely reliable, on time transport service from your home or office, directly to Detroit Metro Airport, DTW, and back again, and have d …
App includes 4 games currently, 1. Guess who -(FREE) charades game. Keep the phone on you head where a character is displayed and you have to ask ques …
DISCOVER A TRULY UNIQUE EXPERIENCE FROM TEE TO SEA A REAL MUST-TEE. In a magical place between the majestic St. Lawrence River and the Laurentian Foot …