Textionary free
Ever feel left out when people are speaking in acronyms and you don’t want to ask the question “what does that stand for?”, for fear of being singled …
Textionary free
Bushism - George W Bush Quotes and Sounds
The W is back baby. 2 Pages of sound clips from the W. 49 Audio clips from the one, the only George W. Make a call, put it on speaker, hit the home ke …
Bushism - George W Bush Quotes and Sounds
Bubba Jump
This is the sequel from Bubba Boom where he failed his job as dynamite diffuser. While he was enjoying “a cold one” in the hot mines he forgot to defu …
Bubba Jump
Cannon Fighter
!! New and Noteworthy (iPhone) All Games in 85 Countries - United States, Japan, France, China ... ( Oct. 13 ~ 19 2010)!! What's Hot (iPhone) Games/Ar …
Cannon Fighter
Finally, you can have magnet letters on your iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.MagLetters allows you to make words using appealing magnet letters, numbers a …
La Divina Comedia - Dante Alighieri
La Divina Comedia relata el viaje de Dante por el Infierno, el Purgatorio y el Paraíso. Es considerada como una de las obras maestras de la literatura …
La Divina Comedia - Dante Alighieri
This is an original dinosaur encyclopedia for the iPhone that follows the 200 million year old miracle of the enormous lifeforms that once wandered th …
HTML Cheat Sheet Tags
HTML Cheat Sheet & Tags Forget what some of the tags in HTML do? No worries: Here's a quick reference guide to help you. Use this app for any quick re …
HTML Cheat Sheet Tags
iHook Lite
Can you save the ship trapped in deep space? All you have is rescue capsule, two hooks to control it and a single chance to survive! Explore different …
iHook Lite
Povestea curiozitatii
Motto: Pregatiti-va copiii pentru succes!Parcurgând acesta poveste copilul invata sa isi gestioneze emotiile!Medalia curiozitatii - Dia descopera chei …
Povestea curiozitatii
Spune unde este
Program educaţional interactiv pentru copiii de 3-7 ani.Conţinut educaţional: Inteligenţă emoţională + Noţiuni de spaţialitateVreţi să aveţi cei mai d …
Spune unde este
【温馨小提示】 搜索关键词“happyreading”即可找到我们的全部书籍哦! 【本书简介】 这是一个深受孩子们喜爱的卡通交通工具着色程序。不但可以轻松涂出美丽的图片,还有标准英语发音及录 音模式,让孩子们制作一张属于自己的独特图片。 【关于我们】 童年美术公司经过10年的图书研发积累, 共推出原 …
Chosen as one of the best iPad games of 2010 by Just Another iPad Blog! http://justanotheripadblog.com/ipad-apps/best-ipad-apps-of-2010/ "Multitasking …