BergamoScienza è un festival di divulgazione scientifica che dal 2003 coinvolge la città proponendo un ricco programma di eventi gratuiti.Lo scopo è p …
An App which true Italian wine lovers who wish to be completely up to date cannot do without, anywhere in the world.The app of the Veronelli guide edi …
Now one can calculate their TDS( Tax Deduction at Source) with in seconds. This app is very useful for every person earning Income from Salary, Rent, …
This is the easiest to use and time saving todo list manager you will ever find on the Droid market. Simple 30 second task management and a clean easy …
Bij Polityka to gra, która daje ci niepowtarzalną okazję do zmasakrowania znienawidzonego przez ciebie polityka. Wystarczy że posiadasz plik graficzny …
Have you got what it takes to become an American War Hero? American War Hero is a simple but highly addictive retro game of skill. Use your stealth to …
Alphabet Game is a puzzle game inspired by Candy Crush Saga and Quadra Pop (and a bit of Tetris). Your goal is to arrange an alphabet. You can achieve …
Wydaje Ci się, że z łatwością potrafisz rozróżniać kolory? Jeśli tak, to sprawdź się za pomocą Kolorowego Testu! Jest to quiz, w którym masz za zadani …
Hit the Politician is a game which gives you an unrepeatable occasion to beat any politician whom you hate. It is suffice if you have an image file of …
It is very simple app - the stronger you shake a phone, the more points you gain and the more red background becomes. Compete with your friends who is …
Can you slip past the undead hordes? Attack of the Zombies! is a simple but highly addictive retro game of skill. Use your skill to avoid the walking …