This program performs 3 functions and is written for HVAC contractors or anyone interested in checking HVAC filtration performance. The first function …
À utiliser uniquement en France métropolitaine. Connectez-vous à Internet et activez au préalable la fonctionnalité géoloc de votre smartphone. Votre …
This application estimates the Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) of a person as a function of age, height and gender. PEF measures the airflow through the br …
Yuru is the mobile app that delivers helpful crowdsourced advice. Get quick feedback when you need it, from people that you know – and unbiased opinio …
DenmarkIncluding holiday all of 2013 and 2014.The widget displays day, date, month and year.Date will be updated daily at 0:00.You can set application …
윤정 지음 / 에피루스★ 작품소개소름이 돋는다. 아, 진짜 가슴이 짜릿짜릿할 정도로 무섭다. 무시무시하다. 그의 주변에만 시커먼 오로라가 뭉클뭉클 솟아나는 것 같다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그녀는 그에게서 시선을 뗄 수 없었다. 손발이 부들부들 떨리는데도 도무지 시선을 뗄 …
DroidDoesMusic is a music app aiming to bring the power of gestures to the traditional music app world. DDM is written by Nick Hansen, Michael Rose, a …