

Pinga checks if your favorite apps can go online fast enough. Green: go. Red: noPinga helps you saving time & energy!Launch your app when green to be …

관광통역안내사 교육서비스를 제공하는 코리아가이드는 한국관광공사의 지원을 받는 협력기업입니다!관광통역안내사 자격증 취득을 위해서는 관광학개론, 관광법규, 관광국사, 관광자원해설 이상 4과목을 학습하여야 합니다. 코리아 가이드는 관광분야의 전문교수님들과 함께 자체 관광수험 …
관광통역안내사 코리아가이드 아카데미

g4exa is a "concept app" to demonstrate the port and usage of the Geant4 "particle through matter" simulator on a smartphone/tablet. The code is based …

agora is a smartphone/tablet oriented event display for the LHC/ATLAS experiment. The first version is more a proof of concept that an application rea …

ioda should be read "IO-DA", IO for Input/Output and DA for Data Analysis. It is a scientific application that permits to read files at various format …

Tienes en total 6 modos de juego combinando reflejos o memoria con uno de los posibles objetivos que son : ordenar, buscar y sumar.Elige el nivel de d …

this app will enable you to follow and track WEDO BH, you will be kept up to date with all the new events, pictures and videosdon't miss anything …

ドイツ南部、バイエルン州の村、オーバーアマーガウの近郊にある修道院。神聖ローマ皇帝ルートウィヒ4世(バイエルン人王)により、1330年に建造。18世紀にバロック様式に改築。内部の丸天井はロココ様式のスタッコ装飾家、ヨゼフ=シュムッツァーが制作した。オーバーアマガウの村から南へ8km、グラスヴァン渓谷 …
ドイツ エッタール修道院 DE008