เข้าถึงเทคโนโลยีง่ายๆ免費玩TechPortal APP玩免費免費玩TechPortal AppTechPortal APP LOGOTechPortal APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用APP評分上架日期更新日期中國 ChinaWindowsWindows 市集1. …
Prime Factorizer
• Fast and small prime factorizer• Max factorable number is 400,000,000,000. And it will be increased soon• When offline, max factoable number is 249, …
Prime Factorizer
You can choose your route between two points, choose to see various places ( CCD, Pizza Hut, etc) in any city and search for various modes of transpor …
Đội Đặc Nhiệm
Chắc hẳn các bạn không hề lạ lẫm với những tựa game bắn súng góc nhìn thứ nhất (FPS) như Counter Strike, Haftlife, Call Of Duty... đã từng làm mưa gió …
Đội Đặc Nhiệm
Hungry Baby
Fully-functional unlimited trial!!Hungry Baby is a very simple baby feeding reminder app. Just choose the number of hours and minutes until the next t …
Hungry Baby
Watch the amusing video about magic tricks to its endyou might even learn something* Donate if you like *免費玩MagicTricks APP玩免費免費玩MagicTricks AppMagicT …
Nokia Recycle Bin
Similar to the Apple Macintosh Trash, the Recycle Bin is a location where deleted files are temporarily stored on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 20 …
Nokia Recycle Bin
c sharp tut
This app help you learn C sharp from beginning level. Here are different video tutorial channels added.Learn and enjoy coding!!免費玩c sharp tut APP玩免費免費 …
c sharp tut
World of Red Bull
"This app is your window to the world of Red Bull - a world full of adrenaline, entertainment, passion and lifestyle.Enjoy an infinite loop of behind- …
World of Red Bull
Alone in the Dark Guide
This was created during the 48 Hour Global Game Jam 2013.You begin on the 2nd floor of an old mansion... the lights have gone out.. you hear a sound.. …
Alone in the Dark Guide
Cars Paint
A great painting app for kids who love Cars. Many playful pics to choose from, easy to use design, bright colors and lots of other features are waitin …
Cars Paint