تطبيق نغمات ورنّات هادئة HD بدون أنترنت للهواتف الذكية تطبيق مجاني يجمع الكثير من النغمات والرنات والأغاني الهادئة.مميزات البرنامح نغمات ورنّات هادئة …
هذا التطبيق يقدم لك باقة مختارة من الرنات الهادئة المساعدة على الاسترخاء. ويتميز بسهولته وسرعة أدائه وأيضا أنه لا يحتاج للانترنيت من اجل الاشتغال.يحتو …
Η Ελληνική Παιδιατρική Εταιρεία (ΕΠΕ) ιδρύθηκε το 1931 στην Αθήνα και αριθμεί περισσότερα από 3.000 μέλη. Μέλη της Ελληνικής Παιδιατρικής Εταιρείας (Ε …
• A journal about Pediatric Neurology from Turkey.• You can find 600 articles’ abstracts in this application.• You can learn how to submit articles to …
This application has been developed as bedside tool to enable Pediatricians to help in decision making based on protocols developed by Indian Academy …
PediaCalc, a Pediatric Dosing Calculator, is for pharmacist, pediatricians and other medical professions including medical students who need to calcul …
The Pediatric Anesthesia Calculator is an application for anesthesiologists, CRNAs and emergency service personnel who are facing pediatric patients i …
MedCalc 3000 Pediatrics: Your answer for medical calculationMedCalc 3000 has been the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the …
Get building with Master Builder! This app sources hundreds of LEGO set building instructions from the www.cubiculus.com database, providing full-scre …
A great game to improve your vocabulary for GRE1500 words specifically chosen for GRE.The objective of the game is to bring the average score from 5.0 …
Vocab Builder is an educational game that quizzes and times you on the spelling of words. It can teach you how to spell new words and what new words a …
Play PowerVocab(TM) which is free and one of the most popular word games to build a strong vocabulary. This mobile word game is also a handy dictionar …
Федор Михайлович Достоевский "Преступление и наказание".Название этого романа и имена его героев давно стали нарицательными. Сам Достоевский в первом …
Hidden Mickeys of Disney World and Disneyland (with pictures!) What is a Hidden Mickey? A Hidden Mickey is an image of Mickey Mouse concealed in the d …