If you are a tourist in New York City or another regular New Yorker on his way back home after 17 hours in the office, Metro Sleep NYC is your persona …
Zooo, cuidamos a los smartphones como si fueran personas. Zooo es una empresa tecnológica dedicada a la reparación de smartphones. La finalidad de est …
- 대한민국 정부부처의 과장급 이상 6천여개 직위와 재직자 현황 (2014.3.31 기준)- 재직자 성명과 직급, 담당업무, 사무실전화번호 등의 정보 제공- 국방, 통일, 안보 등 보안이 필요한 일부 기관 및 직위는 공개대상에서 제외免費玩중앙행정기관 주요직위 명부 AP …
This is a FREE version ofCroatian-English and English-Croatian offline dictionary.Very simple interface.A quick search of words while you type.No adve …
Password safe stores all you passwords safely on your phone with a password only you know.. Email:info@passlocker.co.ukDesktop Version Available from. …
En prins lär tre apor att dansa och klär ut dem till människor vid fester. Tills en av gästerna kastar några nötter, och aporna viker för sina instink …
Kraichgau Immobilien - wir haben immer das passende Angebot für Sie! Sie suchen einen Neubau, eine Gebrauchtimmobilie, ein Grundstück, eine Gewerbeimm …
Vocero QRoo es el App oficial usada por la unidad del vocero del gobierno del estado de Quintana Roo, para la comunicación social.免費玩Unidad del Vocero …
LandVector is a location-based augmented reality app for measuring (estimating) land area (acreage) from the user’s point of convenience. It can also …
GroundVue is a geospatial augmented reality app for real-time 3D overlay of information over ground image through the camera view. There could be many …